Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 5th

Here are a few readings from some of the many cards we received.
I can't possibly share each one. Each card meant so very much as did the personal written words.

The Lord knows the pain you feel. the grief you carry, the tears you cry,
the memories you'll cherish, the comfort you'll need, the strength you'll require.
Memory is a special place in our hearts where we can find comfort in the treasured thoughts of those we hold dear.

The gift of love lasts forever.
It cannot wear out or grow old.
It cannot be taken from us.
The gift of love lasts far longer than sorrow,
which is a shadow that will, in time pass like a cloud.
The gift of love
is the true inheritance of our hearts.
We carry it with us every day,
And we pass it on,
just as it was given to us.

In sorrow we have many questions...
In faith, we have the answer.
 If God didn't want us to imagine what Heaven will be like,
He wouldn't have told us as much about it as He has.
God holds our lives in His hands like precious,
polishing each with challenges, choices & changes.
And in time, we become shining reflections 
of His purpose, of His promise, of His love.


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