Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2nd

The Plan of the Master Weaver

Our lives are but fine weavings
That God & we prepare
Each life becomes a fabric planned
And fashioned in His care
We may not always see just how
The weavings intertwine,
But we must trust the Master's hand
And follow His design,
For He can view the pattern
Upon the upper side,
While we must look from underneath
And trust in Him to guide...
Sometimes a strand of sorrow
Is added to His plan,
And though it's difficult for us,
We still must understand
It's He who fills the shuttle,
It's He who know what's best,
So we must wave in patience
And leave to Him the rest.
Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttle cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why -
The dark threads are as needed
In the Weaver's skillful hand
As the threads of gold & silver
In the pattern He has planned.

The picture below is not a weaving but a quilt that goes together step by step, piece by piece & the back is not attractive due to the raw  seams &  snipped thread. The quilting on each block reveals the beauty of the quilt.  And so it is with this journey of pain - some days are fairly ordinary & some days there's so much pain & the threads get very tangled & the seams don't match & the seam ripper is used to open the seams & then I try again.

What a wonderful God we have - He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts & strengthens us in our hardships & trials.
2 Corinthians 1: 3 & 4

1 comment:

Cousin Marlene said...

Thinking of you all during this time of the anniversary of the accident. My prayers are with you. Yes the poem is very appropriate and we remember that God sees the upper side, as were we see the underside of our tapestry of life.

I love your work Lillian and through this hobby I know God does continue to do a healing in your life. It is not easy during these times but God is our strength. Thanks for praying with us as we remembered ours and we will do the same for you. God bless.