Saturday, May 9, 2015

2015 Mother's Day Celebration

 We celebrated Mother's Day today with my Mom at LPM in Portage.
This is Charlotte showing Mom a picture of their laying hens. Mom enjoyed hearing about the kids gathering the eggs.

 Mom & Chris having a chat with Nick smiling for the camera.

 4 generations represented here.

 Myself with my dear mother, who will be 99 at the end of May with my 2 sons, Allen & Chris. Mom said to me, with a quiver in her voice that Barry should be in the picture too.
 We agreed that he was smiling down on us from Heaven.
 My 2 incredible sons!

 Mom holding hands with 2 of her great  grandchildren.

 Mom with Chris.

Allen hugging his grandma.
We had lunch with Mom & had a few laughs, a few tears & enjoyed a few hours together.

1 comment:

Ruth Hiebert said...

Very precious photos. Even though I don't know your family,this post brought a few tears. May God bless you today in some very special way.