Memories. So many. Each item here represents a part of Barry & Zach's life. One life was 42 years lived, the other 16 years. Both cut short. Both so dearly loved. So many more things could have been added to the table. Just doesn't seem right to sum up two lives to a small display. There is so much more. So much more can be said.
Zach loved photography. This is the last picture he took that Thursday afternoon. Zach was many things - funny, very smart, ambitious, a deep thinker, and so much more.
This picture was taken of Zach on August 7th, doing what he loved.
So I wonder -where has the time gone, is it really a year? At times, it seems like such a long time ago & at times it seems like just a few days ago, I remember so many things about that day,
August 8th, 2013, How happy I was when Barry & Zach arrived for lunch, how I hugged them both.
I wonder - Did my Heavenly Father shed a tear when He saw me hug my son & grandson, He knew that it would be the last time, here on earth that they would return my hugs.
Romans 8:35 -39
His strongest grace is for your weakness moment. His sweetest fellowship is for your loneliest journey. His riches supply is for your neediest hour. His closest embrace is for your deepest sorrow. His brightest light is for your darkest hour.
The above scripture was sent to me from my Aunt Margaret in Ontario. A dear auntie who writes & sends cards on a regular basis.
Friday, the 8th, it will be the one year anniversary date. Time goes on. Life goes on. So many thoughts. So many prayers.
Bary & Zach - missed so very much.
Friday, the 8th, it will be the one year anniversary date. Time goes on. Life goes on. So many thoughts. So many prayers.
Bary & Zach - missed so very much.
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