Have been thinking back to a year ago & remembering the events that happened that week. A year ago, on the 15th, was the memorial service. It was such a beautiful service - honouring two young men, taken too soon. Too soon in my way of thinking. The Scriptures say our days are numbered. The Lord knows the number of our days here on earth. He knows & He is in control. Some days that is easier to accept. Some days I sure do ask "Why?" The Lord knows my thoughts & understands my questions. Sometimes it's hard to believe a year has passed. Sometimes it seems like a bad dream, sometimes like it happened yesterday, There is so much to think about, it's like a bad movie that goes on & on. The accident, talking to Albert on the phone while he was still at the accident scene, thinking that it can't be that bad, I spoke with Albert, riding to the hospital with my sister, waiting for news, so many details, so much to absorb.
So many medical appointments for Albert, his injuries, when to help & when not to.
Knowing that we could not have gotten through the first few difficult weeks without the One that carried us through, the prayers of many, many people who constantly & faithfully upheld us in prayer throughout this past year.
And so, time marches on, some days that is good, some days my thoughts are totally confused. The first year has passed, we have done all the birthdays, the holidays, the one year anniversary. How we all miss both Barry & Zach at family gatherings, it is just so empty, and so we must go on, we must celebrate life, each other, and one day, I'll see Barry & Zach again. In Heaven. And so, I'll take a deep breath, & with the Lord's help, live life each day to the best of my ability, being thankful for so many blessings, loving each of my family members, enjoying the many beautiful things in life.
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