Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Note

Hubby & I were in Winnipeg for the past 2 days for medical appointments - for Hubby, not me - & we stayed at a hotel close to Polo Park.  Hubby left for his appointment early & I went for breakfast later in the morning. I thoroughly enjoyed  the coffee & apple pancake as I read on my Ipad. This is the note the waiter left for me when he brought my bill. When I left, the restaurant, I thanked him so much for the note & he said - "I just felt you needed that." & he gave me a hug. I was just so blessed by this young man & what I learned from this is - Oh, that I would be be just so open & listen to the guiding of the Holy Spirit that I would be used as a vessel to bless whoever crosses my path. My prayer for this young man is for courage to share his faith as the Spirit leads him.  

1 comment:

Cousin Meem said...

God will place the words in our mind when the opportunity arises. Bless this young man for being a 'silent witness' to you and others.