Monday, April 28, 2014

Where is Spring?

 I'm waiting for spring as are millions in Canada & in the US. The snow is gone, the robins are here & the evenings are getting longer. It seems every week the forecast says that warmer weather will be here at the end of next week. I try hard not to complain about the weather, can't do anything to change it anyway. But I'm waiting & looking for signs of spring, however small.

 Took a walk in the woods yesterday. Small sprigs of green grass are starting to slowly make their way though the leaf covered forest floor.  

Lexie kept me company during my search for signs of spring. Today it was raining most of the day with more rain in the forecast. On a more positive note - with rainy days ahead, I'll be spending some more time in my sewing room building up my inventory of baby quilts.

Have enjoyed the bright spot of flowers that I received for Easter. 
Spring will come. It is promised.

1 comment:

Muddles said...

Your beautiful creativity continues to reveal how the Great Artist shows us His love through you.
As a character in Miriam Toews' new book All My Puny Sorrows says 'we've got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen." And, if one can do this beautifully and creatively as you are doing it heals as much as can be healed in this life and inspires others to do the same in 'fitting the pieces together' again.