Friday, September 20, 2013

Five Weeks

Five weeks since the accident. We measure time now by "Before the accident" & "After the accident". We are so thankful for friends who spend time with us, listen to us tell our story, call to inquire how we are doing. Thanks to B&D who shared some of their experiences when their son passed away from cancer, who presented me with an interesting question - "So think about this - if you could have, what would you choose  - to be spared from all this hurt & not have had Barry & Zach in your life or to have had Barry in your life for 42 years & Zach for 16 & now have the hurt & heartache from the pain of loss?" I did not have to think about this at all. Barry & Zach both have added so much to my life, have made my life so much richer & have added love & laughter to each member of my family.
Barry graduated from high school with a gal by the name of Kim &  then carpooled with her for 3 years or so when they both attended Brandon University & they then graduated the same year from university each with a Bachelor of Education. Kim passed away in January due to a severe asthma attack leaving behind her husband & 3 beloved sons. Kim's parents came to Winkler & came to visit us. Hard as it was to share our stories about our kids, it was a time of healing, tears & encouraging each other. We are so grateful for the many, many expressions of love & sympathy shown to us in such a variety of ways - phone calls, cards, emails, FB messages, gifts of food & flowers, etc.
Most of all, I am so thankful for my faith in my Lord Jesus Christ, I could not get through this horrible time without Him. He is my Rock, my Healer, my Comforter.

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