Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Quilt Show

I had my very own quilt show at Lion's Prairie Manor in Portage
 where my mother lives

 I displayed my collection of quilts that I have been working on for the last 10 - 12 years.
 Grandson Adam let me borrow his blanket for the show.
 My sister, Helen, brought her quilt, on right, to display.
 This one got quite a few compliments.
 Found my Christmas quilt in the first box I opened when I was looking for it!

 This one I dig out when I go to the race track to cheer on my favorite driver.
Most of these quilts will be given to my grandchildren at a special occasion in their life.
Extra baby quilts waiting for new arrivals.
It was a great day & I enjoyed the residents' interest in my quilts.

1 comment:

kerry and jo said...

You have quite a collection going there, glad you could have some fun displaying them for others to enjoy.