Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Story about an Angel

This is a picture of Joan who is the liaison between MDS & the United Congregational Church where we are staying. Joan comes in several times a week to check how things are going for us & to inform MDS of the various functions in the church. The Boy Scouts use the north end of the basement for their weekly meetings which means the men need to put away their personal belongs & bedding & the mats need to be all stacked on the side.Plus there are luncheons, Bible study hour, a soup kitchen on Monday at noon & Noah's Breakfast" on Saturday morning. This is a busy church & MDS is very thankful that they opened their doors to us. Joan shared with us last Wednesday evening about how the flood affected the church & this is the story she told us.
There was a funeral at the church here in June & at the end of the service there was one lady cleaning up in the kitchen. A man that she didn't know came into the kitchen & proceeded to tell the lady what to do with the sewer drain in the kitchen in order to protect the church from the threatening flood. The man made sure the lady wrote down all the information that he was telling her & asked her to be sure to show the paper to the maintenance team in the church. Nobody but this one lady ever saw this man & she did not know him. The church followed as many of the instructions as they were able too as some things in the plumbing system had changed from what the man's information had been. All the furniture from the basement was moved upstairs. The church experienced only 2 inches of clear water flooding & the conclusion is that God sent an angel to provide protection for the church. The church across the street was badly flooded & has 6 hundred thousand dollars worth of damage & have not yet been able to repair their basement.
This church has extended their gift of hospitality to us in a mighty way & MDS very welcome.