Monday, March 8, 2010

The "K" House

This house is complete & waiting for the final inspection tomorrow. It is a 3 bedroom home. The top picture shows the view from the living room window. We hope to have a home dedication later this week. This was one of the sunnier days here. The weather has been cool & rainy. Albert installed floor covering & cupboards last week. I have been keeping quite busy in the office, learning how & where to enter all the supplies purchased for the homes MDS is building here.


Anonymous said...

Pretty rocky around there, is it? Not a lot of trees or vegetation?
We're enjoying a slow melt here.
Sister C

Edna said...

Looking forward to hearing about the home dedication, and seeing some photos too.

Anonymous said...

The "K" house passed the final inspection & the "J" house passed the drywall inspection. So now we are planning a home dedication for next week.

Anonymous said...

Always looking for your updates, I'm sure they won't want to let you and Albert leave!Sister H