Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Aunt Dora

Today I said "goodbye" to the earthly body of my beloved Aunt Dora. She was married to John Doell, brother to my dad. Aunt Dora was an amazing lady - she was a gifted hostess, everyone felt comfortable in their home, maybe the kitchen wasn't always in pristine order but she would focus on her company, she always made me feel very special & she was always interested in what I was doing & as my boys grew up, she would ask where they were & what they were doing, she was a wonderful cook & you never left her table hungry, you ate until you were stuffed & then some more, she was super ambitious - when she was in her late 40's, she went to U OF M & got her teaching diploma & taught special needs children for approx. 20 years, she was very involved with her kids at school by bringing music into their lives & cutting a record with two of the kids, Aunt Dora & Uncle John both played several instruments & entertained at care homes, family events & celebrations. She was always so appreciative whenever I took the time to visit her. She deeply mourned the sudden loss of her husband, John & then she & her sister went on short term missions to Mexico, she demonstrated love & devotion to her second husband , faithfully visiting him when he had to go live in Salem Home because Aunt Dora just couldn't care for him at home. 
As long as she was able to speak after she was hospitalized, she expressed gratitude to everyone who visited her during her 7 week hospital stay, Aunt Dora lived her faith in her everyday life, she expressed her longing to be with Jesus in heaven & that her dearest wish was for all her family & friends to join her there.

Today we celebrated a life well lived. I was just so honored to act as pall bearer. As I walked alongside the coffin, I said to myself & later expressed my thoughts later to a few - I am representing my mom, who was unable to attend, she & Aunt Dora were my first example of "girlfriends", I am representing my sisters who also were very fond of Aunt Dora too.  I am doing this for you, Aunt Dora, in thanks for your love & caring for me, for the wonderful example in using your gifts to further God's Kingdom & for the godly woman you were.
I love you, Aunt Dora, I know for a fact that I will see you in Heaven & until then, I will "run the race & I will keep the faith."

1 comment:

Edna said...

Well said, Lillian. Aunt Dora has a special place in my memories for the kind of person she was, and the positive influence on my life.